Former Herdsires




Ken and Marty St. Clair, 195 Valley Drive, Rougemont NC 27572

1 800 821-3060


Welcome to the Elevenses Llamas Former Herdsire page!  None of these llamas is available for breeding.  If you would like additional information on any of these former herdsires, do not hesitate to contact us by telephone (800 821 3060) or email (

Peruvian Killian Red

ILR # 223719

Date of Birth 10/2/02

took our farm in a whole new direction when we bought Peruvian Killian Red!  Killian’s father is the famous Peruvian Keno PC-1, imported by Mark and Karen Brant of Twin Lakes Llamas.  Keno is a red and white paint with a dark red head and long, luxurious suri fiber.  He has passed his extraordinary, brilliant color, and gentle nature on to his progeny.  Killian’s mother, Libra P5, is a dark solid red medium wool Peruvian import with a black head.  Killian is a dilute appaloosa with silky fiber and a lovely red head.  His conformation is flawless, as evidenced by the many ribbons he has won in some of the most prestigious shows.  Killian has sired 20 crias, each with silky fiber.  Many of his crias have his distinctive red head and several are appaloosa.  Without exception, his cria have inherited Killians superb conformation. 

We are so pleased to bring this proven herdsire to Elevenses.  We are looking forward to the fiber, color, and gentle nature he is sure to pass on to his progeny.

Betelgeuse McGrath

ILR# 282111

Date of Birth 5/22/2010


I possibly explain how excited we are to have Betelgeuse on our farm?  Firstly, he has amazing conformation with a lovely top line, impressive bone, and a perfect pace.  Secondly, he is a vey loudly marked Appaloosa with impressive, award winning fiber.  And thirdly, he has a gentle, trusting personality topped with the kind of intellect we all wish we could claim.  Betelgeuse came from our friend Paige McGrath of Lower Sherwood Farm in Charlottesville, VA.  When we drove up to look at males, Paige had three already haltered, ready for us to examine.  All three were so nice, it took us an hour and a half to decide.  In the end, Betelgeuse came home with us.  Betelgeuse is untested, arriving at Elevenses at just three years of age, but we have very high expectations of this impressive male.


Betelgeuse’s father is the impressive Argentine Appaloosa, Rebano Escondido Tercero (E.T.) and his mother is the incomparable Bellatrix McGrath, by Bobkat’s Rigel Starr.  Betelgeuse is completely outcross to any llama on our farm.  We can combine his impressive pedigree with any female we have.

 Checkmate McGrath (“Checkers”)

ILR# 133004

Date of Birth 10/20/1994


We are so thrilled to have Checkers on
our farm!  He came from the McGrath’s at Lower Sherwood farm.  Checkers is heavy wooled with brilliant white, fine (20.6 micron) fiber.  He has beautiful brown markings on his face and a long brown tail. If you think that is a smile on Checkers’ face, you are right.  Checkers is always happy!  He loves his girls, his babies, and his people (that’s us!).  He especially loves guests.  Visitors are immediately welcomed by one of Checkers’ patented kisses and then he delights in showing them around Elevenses!  Talk about a greeter!  Checkers only came to us in March of 2006, but he has been busy.  He has already bred five girls and we can hardly wait to see that delightful personality in his babies.


Checkers’ father is the famous LW Sunnybrook, making him the fraternal brother of Lower Sherwood’s premier herdsire, The Spindoctor.  LW Sunnybrook is full Bolivian and Checkers inherited that gorgeous Bolivian head.  His mother was Walden’s Serenity, who has Errol Flynn and Great Gildersleeve in her pedigree. 

We lost Checkers just days before his nineteenth birthday.  We are so lucky to have had Checkers in our lives.  We will miss him every day.

WRLF Epic’s Encore

ILR # 258239

Date of Birth 12/2/2003


We purchased Encore as a
yearling and hope to put him to work during the 2005-2006 breeding season.  He is most impressive with his abundant true-black wool, full white tuxedo, and white stockings.  He has been shown just once, but took a first place in Yearling Heavy Wool Male and followed it with Reserve Grand Champion Heavy Wool Male at the 2005 Albemarle County Fair Llama Show.  The judge said Encore easily won his very strong class and has great ring presence.  Encore is also one of the sweetest llamas you will ever have the opportunity to meet.  We can hardly wait to see what he will produce for us!


Encore is out of Note Bene, whose maternal grandfather is the famous La Raya Peru.  Encore’s sire is BAL Epic, who has one of the most impressive show records I have ever seen (three Grand Champions and two Reserve Grand Champions).  Epic is out of Midnight Maid (whose sire is the late and great The Fiduciary) and by Garbo’s Count Zorach, whose sire is the legendary Franklin.  With a pedigree like that, we expect great things out of Encore.  Unfortunately, Encore lost fertility and we had him gelded on November 4, 2011.  We are keeping several of his lovely daughters in our herd.


Mosette’s Titan

ILR # 188295

Date of Birth 11/22/1997


Titan is very dark
(almost black) brown with a black face; his extraordinary fiber lies in ringlets.  He is very large with great presence and exceptional conformation.  Titan is so impressive that he is almost always the first llama noticed when guests arrive at Elevenses and he is the most requested herdsire for outside breedings.  While we are convinced that Titan would do well in the show ring, we have not shown him.  We believe that he would not enjoy the show atmosphere and prefers to spend time at home with his girls.


Titan is out of LLL Chantuse Mosette, one of many daughters of the great Moses (Feni Moses Othello).  Titan’s sire is E.R. Hercules, by the famous Bolivian import, Oko Castizo.    Names so familiar to the llama industry, such as Frederico, Lady MacBeth, Errol Flynn, and Oak Hill Clyde, are included in Titan’s pedigree.  Titan’s cria share his extraordinary conformation, stunning fiber and look-at-me presence. 

Titan broke his leg on May 20, 2011 and our veterinarian put a cast on it.  We anticipated the removal of the cast six weeks later, confident that the leg would be healed.  To our shock and horror, the leg was every bit as broken as it was six week earlier.  Titan was euthanized.  We were devastated.  We miss Titan every day. This gentle giant will live in our hearts forever.



ILR # 71292

Date of Birth 10/14/1989


Carnival was a true gentle giant.  He was large and impressive, yet he was easily controlled by even the smallest toddler.  Carnival had a large black blanket that included his tail and goes down to his hocks.  His neck and front legs were white and his face had gorgeous black and white markings.  Carnival had extraordinary conformation which he passed on to his progeny.  Carnival was retired to the gelding herd on January 15, 2002 due to severe arthritis of his right rear fetlock.  Cortisone injections fused the bones in his fetlock and left him pain free and able to concentrate on his new career:  public relations.  Carnival loved to go to fairs and festivals where children crawled all over him.  He was so gentle that moms and dads didn't need worry one bit about their little ones as they hugged whatever part of Carnival they could reach.  Unfortunately, the arthritis spread to Carnival's right knee and our veterinarian just couldn't contain the pain nor prevent the progression of this devastating disease.  We made the incredibly difficult decision to allow Carnival to cross over to the bridge on August 3, 2007.  The emptiness in our hearts is compensated only by the knowledge that Carnival is once again running through green pastures, pain free.  Goodbye, Carnival.  We miss you, sweet boy.


Carnival’s dam is Calliope A188 whose fraternal grandfather is the great Dr. Doolittle.  Carnival’s sire is Mr. Bolivia, a direct import.  Carnival’s progeny have graced our pastures and our breeding program for many years.  Some of our favorite breeding females (Elevenses Carin Cole, Elevenses Kachina Mana) were sired by Carnival.  He has had a major impact in our breeding program.



America’s Patriot

ILR #122564

Date of birth 10/20/1993


Patriot was one of the largest llamas in the United States, averaging around 430 pounds.  Yet, he carried this weight so well that most people thought he weighed a hundred pounds less than he did.  Patriot was white with a rich brown blanket.  His large, intelligent head wwas white and black.  His fiber was soft and silky.


Patriot’s dam is Brown Eyed Suzie and his sire is America, who was sold at auction for $50,000 just over a year before Patriot was born.  Both America’s sire (WL Aymara) and dam (WL Motivator) were imported from Bolivia.  Llamas sired by Patriot have excelled in the show ring (Elevenses Ride Sally Ride was Grand Champion Light Wool Female at the 2004 Virginia Classic) and in our breeding program. It was our preference for Patriot daughters that led to his retirement on December 9, 2004.  Patriot had an inoperable growth on his sternum that was severely hampering his quality of life and so we made the very difficult decision to help him to the bridge on October 8, 2007.  Patriot, your big size and big heart will live in our souls forever.  We miss you!



Pachinko McGrath

ILR # 220213

Date of Birth 4/8/2000


Pachinko (the national game of Japan) came from the McGrath’s at Lower Sherwood Farm in Charlottesville, Virginia.  He is smoky black with a full tuxedo, white face, and white stockings.  His extraordinary fiber and loving disposition make him a favorite of all who come to our farm.  Pachinko had a successful show career (he was shown six times, earning Firsts and Seconds every time), prior to starting his breeding career.  Each of Pachinko’s progeny (who are given Japanese names) inherits his lovely disposition, fiber, and conformation.  Pachinko is now gelded and beginning his third career as a Public Relations llama.


Pachinko’s dam is Oshinko Maki McGrath whose sire is the legendary LW Irridess.  Pachinko’s sire is Pajama Game McGrath, out of the prolific Feetie Pajamas and by Mucho Smooth.  Pachinko has such famous llamas as Chief Sitting Bull and Macho Camacho in his pedigree.



Apperson Jackrabbit GLE

ILR #147013

Date of birth 9/23/1995


Apperson was purchased as a yearling from the Stambergs of Graceful Legend Llamas.  He had rich red silky fiber and a gorgeous wedge-shaped head.  Apperson had a very confident, outgoing personality that was passed onto his progeny, making them a favorite of many of the people who came to our farm.  Unfortunately, Apperson died tragically on July 10, 2002.  We have managed to retain two of his daughters, Elevenses Glory Day and Elevenses Arcadia, in our breeding program.


Apperson’s dam was Shy Lassy, a daughter of Silver Eagle from Charlie Hume’s llama farm.  Apperson’s sire was Rustico’s Regalo, a son of Rustico de Boliva, the famous Bolivian import.  Apperson passed his size, gorgeous head, lovely fiber, and endearing personality to his progeny.  While his life was short, his influence is evident in all of his children.