On The Farm



This page last updated September 1, 2024

Ken and Marty St. Clair, 195 Valley Drive, Rougemont NC 27572

1 800 821-3060


April, 2924

And then there was Mavi!  She was born on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 to Belle and our beloved Trouble.  Mavi named herself.  You will not believe it!  Her eyes are gorgeous BLUE!!!  and Mavi is BLUE in Turkish!!!  Mavi is amazing.  Her body is reddish brown.  Her head is white.  And then those eyes!!!!  She will just take your breath away!!!!  Oh yes.  A single name just didn’t seem to be enough for such an amazing little girl.  So Mavi got a second name.  Giselle.  Mavi Giselle.  What a kid!

March, 2024

Our precious Valara gave birth to an amazing little girl on Friday, Mach 29, 2024.  WoW!  How do I even describe her?  She is very dark charcoal, nearly black, with extreme Suri fiber.  She is so precious to us since she is one of the last couple Trouble babies.  She had to have a very special name and we settled on Verity: truth. Wd are all about honesty here, and our Verity will spend her live living the truth.  Welcome, little Verity!

Cherokee Rose gave birth to an absolutely smashing baby boy on Wednesday, March 27, 2024 by the equally impressive Syncopation  Unfortunately this little boy was born prematurely and didn’t start nursing on Mom.  We gave him colostrum by bottle but he just never really bounced back.  On March 5, 2024, he got a transfusion and slowly started gaining strength.  We bottle feed him as he never nursed on Mom and he grew into one of the biggest, strongest babies we have had.  He will be going home with his brother Glacier when they are both weaned.  Oh yes.  His name?  Tahoma, the water carrier.

Lacey Gave birth to a striking white baby boy with extreme Suri fiber on Sunday, March 24, 2024.  Oh my!  what an impressive little boy he is!!!  We immediately named him Glacier in honor of his amazing color.  Glacier’s dad is our precious Syncopation.  Glacier is just as sweet a little boy as you could ever want.  We love him to death!  And he will be loved just as much by his new family when he goes home with his brother, Tahoma.  What an amazing pair of boys!!

December, 2023

Guess what happened on December 14, 2023?  Blue Morgaine gave birth to a smashing, solid brown baby boy by Trouble  Oh my gosh!  I fell instantly in love!  This little guy just stole my heart.  He is so adorable!  Morgaine is such a good mom and she loved her little boy even more than I did.  What to name him?  Well since Morgaine has Blue in her name and her previous (solid brown) boy is Dallas Blues, it just seemed to make sense to name this new little one Houston Blues.  So meet little Houston.  We seem to have a Texas connection here, don’t we?

mber, 2023

Oh my!  We didn’t expect this!!  CJ gave birth to the most beautiful Appaloosa boy we have ever seen on November 13, 2023!!!!  No, CJ isn’t Appaloosa, but Trouble (this boy’s dad) is the sire of most of our Appaloosa babies.  We were just overwhelmed with this boy’s amazing coat and wanted to fine him a suitably amazing name.  We finally settled on Serengeti.  He is named after the Serengeti Cat, a domestic cat with spots.  You need to come see this boy!  Pictures just do not do him justice!

October, 2023

Corazon did it again!  That is right!  She gave birth to another Extreme suri girl by Thunder on October 1, 2023!  Oh my gosh!  Is this baby gorgeous?  Can you believe this  fiber?  She is solid brown with a dark head and she is just perfect!  Corazon is Spanish for heart so this new little one is named Hermosa, Spanish for beautiful.  Oh yes.  She is definitely beautiful!  Hermosa is everything you could ever want in a llama.  She will bring home ribbons from the show.  She will make extraordinary babies.  And she will be your new best friend!


And then Cassini followed with her own Thunder baby on October 5, 2023.  This is one very big boned, boy, just like his mom.  This little guy is the perfect combination of brown and white.  He has the most  expressive face!!  Cassini is the spacecraft that circled Saturn for 13 years.  One of Saturn’s MANY moons is Hyperion.  So this little guy’s first name is Hyperion.  He needed a middle name.  With Thunder Thief as his dad, it was only fitting to give him a Greek mythological name.  After much discussion, we finally settled on Zeus.  Meet Hyperion Zeus.


Well Iris decided to make it three Thunder babies in a row.  She gave birth to a big healthy baby on October 25, 2023.  She looks just like Hermosa with the exception that she has huacaya fiber (thick and fuzzy) instead of suri fiber (thin, lies flat against the body).  We decided to name this beautiful little girl Serena, as it is a pretty name that I could actually remember!  All Iris babies have a “blue” middle name so this beautiful girl got Teal as her second name.  Serena Teal is destined for great things!

August, 2023

On the day that Llamatier Greyce was born (March 10, 2023), we told Justin that we wanted her.   After all, her mother, RCF Gretchen, had spent a couple of weeks here while Justin prepared for her to come home with him.  We had an emotional connection to Gretchen, and thus Greyce (say Grqcie). Well, he wasn’t sure that he wanted to sell Greyce.  So, we nagged him unmercifully!  We nagged him until Greyce was nearly six months old and he finally caved!  Greyce is ours!!!!  She arrived on August 20, 2023 and we couldn’t be more excited!  Welcome Greyce!  We promise to love you every day for the rest  of your life!!

May, 2023

I had been watching Confetti all day on Sunday, May 14, 2023.  She was overdue (by my calculation) and was obviously very uncomfortable.  At about 2:30, I called our vet and said, “ I think I need you to talk me down.”  After describing Confetti’s symptoms, our vet said, “this is not an emergency.”  Just what I needed to hear!  So Monday morning, I went to work as usual, only to come home to a beautiful baby girl, dry, standing, and nursing!  The father of this baby is Sirius Trouble, so she gets named from the Harry Potter books.  Her first name is Charity (from Hogwarts teacher Charity Burbage).  Her second name is Alohomora, a spell that unlocks doors.  Charity is a heavily marked red Appaloosa, just like her mom!  Sorry, Appaloosa lovers, Charity is already sold!

April, 2023

Oh my goodness, when we started chores on on April 16, 2023 we discovered that Mercedes had given birth to a beautiful white Syncopation daughter!  What a surprise!  What an amazing, awesome  surprise!  This little girl was already up and walking.  She was already nursing.  In short, she is exactly what every llama breeder wants to see!  So, after we got mom and baby settled in the Nursery, we got down to the serious business of selecting a name.  Mercedes is named after a city in Argentina, so her baby also has to be named after a city in Argentina.  We finally settled on Villa Maria.  Maria is just so very precious!  And she will be going with Dobby to their new home once they are weaned!

March, 2023

We had been watching Lil as we knew she was very, very close.  So when she had her baby on Monday, we weren’t terribly surprised.  She gave birth to a great big reddish brown boy.  He was up, walking, and nursing in record time!  Those Lil babies!  They are just perfect every time..  It should not surprise you that the father is Trouble.  Lil is almost always bred to Trouble and we give her babies names from Harry Potter.  So this little boy is Dobby, the very much loved house elf.  And no, you do not need to send him a sock.  Harry Potter already saved Dobby from a life of servitude!

November, 2022

Belle gave birth to a beautiful suri daughter onWednesday, November 16, 2022.  Oh my!  this little girl will just take your breath away!  She has the most beautiful face and is the most curious baby ever!  Belle, you did it again!  Yes, Trouble, we recognize your contribution to this little angel!  We had a terrible time finding just the perfect name for this little girl.  We finally decided on Laurette.  It is a French name meaning “Little Laurel,” “The Laurel tree” or “Sweet bay tree” and symbolizes honor and victory.  Oh yes, I think our Laurette will live up to her name!!

October, 2022

Valara gave birth to an amazing Appaloosa boy on Wednesday, October 19, 2022!  My oh my,  is this little guy everything you could want in a llama or not?  Yes, you got it!  in addition to being Appaloosa, he is also Suri!  His dad is our Trouble, who sires most of our Appaloosas, so this shouldn’t have been much of a surprise. His name?  Well, he had to have a very special name and after a lot of discussion, we finally settled on Arlynd - old German origin that means an “adventure of the waterfall pool.” 

what Cherokee Rose did onSunday, October 16, 2022?  Well, she gave birth to a solid red suri boy by our amazing Trouble!!  Oh my!  Is this buy special or what?  Is conformation is beyond reproach, his fiber is extraordinary, his personality is something very special.. Wow!  Just wow!  He had to have a Native American name and we finaly settled on Miakoda as this very special baby clearly comes with the Power of the Moon.  Miakoda and Arlynd will be going together to their new home after they are weaned.

June, 2022

Guess who came to live with us on August 20?  Llamatier Mercury!!!  We have loved this little boy from the day he was born (October 13, 2021).  You see, his mother is Elevenses Meili, who we sold to Justin Pelletier four years ago.  Meili’s dad is our Trouble, so Mercury is Trouble’s grandson.  When Trouble retires, Mercury will assume Trouble’s herdsire responsibilities.  Thank you, Justin for bringing Mercury to us right after he won first place at the West Virginia State Fair llama show and for letting us keep Trouble’s genes alive! You have some very big shoes to fill, Mercury!!!!

August, 2022

Oh wow! we were aware that CJ was close, but we surprised to find a brand new baby standing next to her on Monday, June 6, 2022!  He was strong and straight and nursing.  Exactly the kind of surprise you always hope for!  This little guy is unique.  I still don’t know what color he is.  Blond?  Light gray?  Sand?  What I do know is that he is smart and friendly and the luckiest guy in the world!  You see, he is named Silas Kade and is already spoken for.  Silas will be going to live with his big brother, Dallas.  Thank you, CJ and Thunder.  You did it again!

March, 2022

We had been watching Morgaine for a couple of week when she waited until no one was paying her any attention and gave birth to a great big healthy boy!  Oh my gosh!  We could not have been happier!  He was barely dry when he was already nursing.  Morgaine is a wonderful mom and obviously very proud of her handsome man!  Morgaine’s name is actually Blue Morgaine, so we decided to hive him a name recognizing The Blues.  We settled on Dallas Blues.  Dallas is the perfect name for this great big stong young man.  Congratulations, Morgaine and Trouble!

Oh wow!  Guess what happened on March 26, 2022?  Corazon gave birth to her second cria by Thunder.  This little girl will take your breath away!  She is large, correct, has Suri fiber, and is white with a brown blanket.  Her face is white, brown, and black.  She is tall and straight.  Corazon is a Spanish name, so we also gave her daught a Spanish name, Malia (we pronounce it Ma-LEE-ah).  This little girl has taken over the cria preschool and is the first one to engage in all the llama games!  This girl has such potential, including making me happy every time I look at her!

We are so excited!  Our very good friend, Justin Pelletier offered Paific’s ZsaZsa to us and we did not hesitate a minute!!  Zsa Zsaq came to live with us on March 11, 2022.  This gorgeous female llama is unrelated to any of our three herdsires.  She is striking in appearance, very easy to handle, fits right in with our llamas, and will be ready to breed in the fall.  We can hardly believe our luck in acquiring ZsaZsa!  We will spend the entire summer deciding whether to breed her to Trouble, Thunder, or Syncopation!  Thank you so much, Justin!!


On February 27, 2022, Iris gave birth to a most amazing little girl by Thunder.  Not only is she beautifully conformed, has suri fiber, but her right eye is blue and her left eye is brown!!   This is even more amazing since we give Iris daughters Blue (or Azul which is a Hispanic word meaning blue) as their middle names.  So, we named this precious little girl Mae Blue.  Not only is Mae sold along with Lyra, but both girls participated in the engagement party for their new mom and dad!  Lyra is on the left.  Mae is on the right.  If you look closely, you will see that Lyra is carrying a black pouch which has the engagement ring!  What an amazing day this was for these two little llama girls!           

November, 2021

, November 15, Cassini  delighted us was a gorgeous dark brown, Siri fibered Thunder daughter we named Lyra (after the small constellation; one of the modern 88 constellations recognized by the International Astronomical Union).  Cassini is named after the spacecraft that spent 13 years orbiting Saturn so her babies get astronomical names.  Lyra may be small, but she is definitely mighty!  She was standing and nursing in record time and hasn’t looked back since!  She is extremely friendly and full of personality.  Lyra was sold before she was even dry and her person is anxiously awaiting the next llama birth to provide a companion for Lyra.

of you who are familiar with our farm, know
that our two most reliable Appaloosa producers are Lil and Confetti.  They did not disappoint this year, either.  On Monday, September 13, 2021, Lil gave birth to a beautiful gray and white Appaloosa boy we named Draco Lucius.  Lucius was immediately sold as we waited for Confetti to produce her baby.  She did not disappoint as on Thursday, October 28, 2021, Confetti gave birth to a positively smashing red and white Appaloosa girl we named Luna Lovegood.  The family that previously purchased Lucius, immediately purchased Luna.  What an amazing pair of Appaloosa llamas they make!  Two Appaloosa llamas that couldn’t look more different!  Oh.  You might be wondering about their names.  Sirius Trouble is the father of both of these amazing llamas and so they got their names from the Harry Potter books. 

July, 2021

was home on Monday, July 5, 2021 for the Independence Day holiday, working on a gate.  I ran to Lowes to pick up a couple of screws, when Mercedes decided to have her baby!  We had a couple of visitors here who supervised the birth and let me know I would be coming home to a brand ne baby llama!  Well, Mercedes, being an experienced mom handled everything all by herself and didn’t need me at all.  We got Mercedes and her new baby situated in the interior stall and then set about finding a name for this big strong, tall, correct daughter of Syncopation.  Mercedes is the daughter of Argentina and is named for a city in Argentina.  Mercedes’ two previous boys were named for cities in Argentina, so this little girl was going to continue the tradition.  After selecting several names and inviting people to vote, the winning name was Clorinda.  Clorinda is a social butterfly, unlike her shy mom, and loves to meet everybody and introduce herself.  Mom is only necessary when she is hungry.  Poor Mercedes spends most of her time chasing after Clorinda!

March, 2021

elle had been in the Nursery for a couple of weeks while we patiently, or not so patiently, awaited her baby.  Finally, on Monday, March 15, 2021, she gave birth to an amazing little boy!  This little guy takes after his father, Thunder, with his rich brown color, his amazing fiber, and his amazing conformation!  Good on you, Belle!  Brooklyn has always claimed Belle as her own, so she was given the privilege of naming him.  So, there is a Twilight series of books and movies that has a character named Belle.  There is also a character named Jasper.  One of the books in the series is called New Moon.  So, meet Jasper Moon!  Welcome.  We couldn’t be more proud!

herokee Rose presented us with a beautiful little girl on Wednesday, March 17, 2021.  She looks so much like her father, Thunder!  Rose carries our Native American line, so this new baby had to have a Native American name.  We finally settled on Sayen, a Mapuche name meaning lovely.  The Mapuche are indigenous to Chile and Argentina, just like llamas!  Sayen needed a little help to get started, so she had two 8 ounce bottles of colostrum before switching to mom, but she is now making up for lost time.  We are thrilled to have you, little Sayen!

had just finished chores on this side at 3:30 PM on Monday, March 22, 2021 when I walked over to West Twenty and saw a completely white baby!  Valara’s baby!  We acquired Vallara from our very good friend Justin Pelletier a year ago and immediately bred her to Trouble.  And here was her very first baby!  I quickly determined it was a boy and we moved Valara and her baby into the Nursery.  Since he was dry and I didn’t know when he was born, I gave him 8 ounces of colostrum at 5:30 PM.  I managed to get another 2 ounces of colostrum in him between 8:30 and 9:00 PM, but he took matters into his own hands and quickly switched to mom.  Good boy!  We named him Loki (God of Air) and were soon in awe of his magnificence.  He isn’t actually completely white.  He has a light cream color down his backbone.  And he is tall and straight and correct and Suri!  Oh, and did I mention friendly? We couldn’t be happier!  Congratulations, Valara!

y, March 26, while doing chores, Ashley discovered a tiny little baby!  Peggy’s baby!  Syncopation’s first!  He was Appaloosa, like his mom, but a week early and unable to stand.  We immediately moved him into the Nursery and named him.  Peggy is named after Astronaut Peggy Annette and Syncopation is a musical term, so our new baby is Yuri Ivanovich, after a Cosmonaut that played the keyboard in space!  That chore taken care of, Yuri got the first of many bottles.  Yuri go an amazing 32 ounces of colostrum in the first 24 hours, and as his strength increased, started standing and walking on his own.  On day nine, I was concerned about his energy level.  I talked to our vet who suggested Vitamin B12.  She gave us enough syringes to give him two injections per day for three days.  Before he was done with his Vitamin B12, his energy level and appetite skyrocketed!  Yuri remains on the bottle.It is a huge commitment, but this little guy is worth it!

October, 2020

ell, Corazon was in the Nursery, in anticipation of giving birth, so you wouldn’t think it would be such a surprise when she gave birth to her first cria on Saturday, October 10, 2020.  This little guy, whose father is Thunder, is brown with a very dark face and unbelievable fiber!  He is big and strong and straight and was nursing before we even knew he was born!  Corazon is a wonderful first time mom and we just couldn’t be happier!  It is going to be so much fun to watch this big boy grow up.  Corazon is Spanish for Heart; we named this amazing young man Trueno, Spanish forThunder, in honor of his dad.  We will call him Tru.  You may do the same!


Whooo boy!  Cassini surprised us with a beautiful little girl by Trouble on Saturday, September 12, 2020!  She was a little early and a little small, but that didn’t bother this little girl at all.  She was standing at one hour and nursing at two hours.  She is red with a dark gray face and is she ever a pistol!  So, her name?  Well Cassini is named after the space probe that explored Saturn for ten years.  The new rover that is presently on its journey to Mars is Perseverance.  So our new little girl is Perseverance!  Congratulations, Cassini!  You made an extraordinary little girl and kept our space program alive all in one amazing day!

ust four days later, Iris presented us with another Thunder baby; another girl.  This little girl is an amazing assortment of colors:  Gray on her body, black and white on her face, white on her feet and a tiny little white tip on her tail!  We had a terrible time picking out a name for this extraordinary little girl.  Iris also had a little girl last year and we named her Meridian Blue.  So, to keep the tradition alive, we decided this little girl should have a middle name, too, but we chose Azul (Arabic for blue) and gave her a first name of MacKenzie.  MacKenzie Azul is full of energy and growing like a little weed.  What a joy she is!

April, 2020

ur good luck just continued!  On April 4, 2020, CJ gave birth to what might be the last Killian daughter.  She is white with a deep red-brown face and dark brown on her back.  She is suri like her mom and her dad.  To honor Killian, she was given an Irish name, Bryna.  Bryna means, “the strong one.”  As this little girl was standing and nursing in record time, we thought this name was most appropriate!   Bryna is tall and straight and full of life and energy.  Bryna is absolutely the spitting image of her dad.  She will stay here and keep her dad’s line alive.  We positively adore her!

We had been waiting and waiting and waiting on Confetti to have her baby. 
She was as big as a house and by our calculations she was approaching a full four weeks late.  It was Sunday, April 26.  I checked Confetti who was (as usual!) doing nothing and walked over to West Twenty to check something.  I came back and for no reason that I can identify, I checked on Confetti again.  Nose and Toes!  She was finally having her baby!  I ran into the house to wash my hands and get a towel.  I got back just in time to help the baby and get it on the towel.  Oh my goodness!  This baby was definitely worth the wait!  He is a red reverse Appaloosa just like his mom.  Since his dad is Sirius Trouble, he got a Harry Potter name:  Godric.  Godric’s Hollow is the place where Harry Potter was born.  Sorry all you folks who would love a red Appaloosa llama.  Godric is already sold!

March, 2020

e decided the time was right
to purchase a couple of female llamas.  And so we contacted our very good friend, Justin Pelletier.  He had exactly what we wanted and we did not hesitate to purchase Fly (who was pregnant by his amazing herdsire Fame and Fortune) and Valara (a lovely girl just old enough to breed for the first time.)  Right after we purchased the two gorgeous girls, Fly gave birth to the beautiful Farah!  Oh my!  We were in love!  We were beside ourselves on March 30, 2020, when these three incredible girls came to Elevenses!  After a week to settle down, the beautiful Valara was bred to Trouble.  We just can’t wait to see this baby!  Thank you so much, Justin!  We love these three girls to the moon and back

Just two days before Fly, Farah, and Valara came to Elevenses, Lil had given birth to one of the most unusual Appaloosa boys we have ever seen.  Since his father is Sirius Trouble, his name became Ollivander, the wand shop where Harry Potter purchased his first wand.  Ollivander has a background of white with gray, black, and red spots.  In addition, he is large,strong, and absolutely correct!  There is no way you could ask for more in a baby.

January, 2020

January 1, 2020, I was asked which mom was going to give birth next.  I answered, Mercedes.  But little did I know she would do it the very next day!  yes, that is correct.  Mercedes gave birth to our first Thunder baby on Thursday, January 2, 2020.  Mercedes was still in Thunder’s paddock, so Stephanie carried this great big baby all the way back to the Nursery with Mercedes watching her every move.  Once the baby was settled in the interior stall, we determined it was a boy.  I think you know that Mercedes is a city in Argentina.  Our Mercedes’ mother is Argentina.  So, to keep this tradition alive, this new baby is named Buenos Aires.  Aires is large, correct, true black (except for the white underneath his chin!), and has the finest fiber you have ever seen!  Congratulations, Mercedes! 

December, 2019

G!  I was literally DRIVING DOWN the driveway on my way to work when for some reason, I stopped the car, got out and went and checked on Peggy.  She was in the Nursery paddock next to Trouble.  Her brand new baby was cushed next to her!  I backed the car down the driveway, then put Peggy and her baby in the interior stall.  Then the skies opened up!  We had massive rain complete with lightning and thunder.  I don’t think she could have gotten him inside before the rain.  Mom is Peggy Annette, named after an astronaut who was on the space station when our Peggy was born.  Peggy’s mom is Ride Sally Ride.  Norman Thagard was on Sally Ride’s first mission.  Our new baby is Thagard.  We will call him Tha, pronounced Tay.

OMG!  I came home from work on Monday, November 18 to find Cherokee Rose with nose and toes, about to have a baby!  I dropped everything and helped her give birth to a totally awesome baby boy!  He is so gorgeous, pictures just don’t do him justice!  He has light gray feet, dark gray face and tail, and light gray ears.  The rest of his body is covered with the softest light brown suri fiber you have ever seen!  Oh, and his conformation is to die for!  My oh my!  Oh!  I almost forgot!  Since this is Rose’s first, his name is Chaska, Cherokee for First Born Son!  Chaska is full of energy and personality!  He makes us laugh daily!

September, 2019

interest in our llamas has far exceeded the ability to meet the demand.  We have been without anything to sell for quite some time.  We finally decided to do something about it!  So in late August, we bout two pregnant girls and on June 2, 2019, they moved to Elevenses!  Meet Bo Peep RTC (left) and RCF Cherokee Rose (right)!  Bo is due in September and Rose is due in November.  We can hardly wait to see their babies!

, I guess we got Bo and Rose moved to Elevenses just in time.  One week later, on Monday, September 9, Bo gave birth to a solid black little girl!  This progeny was standing and nursing within one hour.  She was almost manic: nurse, walk around Mom, nurse, walk around Mom, nurse...  What to call her?  We didn’t want to use nursery rhymes.  Both Bo and Rose came from Georgia.  So we started looking at names of cities in Georgia and came upon the perfect name.  Marietta!  We are so in love we have already decided that Marietta is staying here.  She is not for sale!

April, 2019

ow!  Lacey really outdid herself on Thursday, April 4, 2019!  She gave birth to the most adorable little girl we have ever seen!  Chantilly Lace (yes, we have been saving this name for quite a while!) is extreme suri, perfectly conformed, and as friendly a little llama as you have ever met.  We are in love!  But we aren’t the only ones.  Chantilly Lace was SOLD before she was even TEN days old!

January, 2019

gave birth to her very first baby on Saturday morning, January 19, 2019 while I watched.  I don’t know what I expected for Iris’ first, but I can tell you it wasn’t this!  She is extraordinarily beautiful with her very light, very fine fiber, her gray face, the tiniest bit of white on her nose, and superb conformation.  Wow!  Just wow!  Iris is the perfect mom and this little imp is growing like a weed!  Oh, did I forget to mention?  Her dad is the amazing Trouble.  Her name?  Just the most beautiful name we could possibly imagine:  Meridian Blue.  Come see this precious little girl for yourself.  (Picture by Kristen.)

December, 2018

Confetti and Lil had both been put with Trouble on the same day a year ago, but Confetti looked so much further along, that we weren’t even watching Lil.  Well, the joke was on us!  Lil gave birth to the LOUDEST Appaloosa boy we have ever seen on Thursday, December 5, 2018!  I mean, really, Lil!  You always make beautiful babies, but you outdid yourself this time!  A llama this gorgeous had to have a very special name.  We chose Gryffindor, one of the four houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  Gryffindors exhibit courage, chivalry, and determination.  Come meet Gryffindor.  His pictures just don’t do him justice!  (Picture by Kristen.)

seemed as if we had been waiting FOREVER for Confetti to have her baby.  I was looking at her so often that I almost convinced myself that she wasn’t pregnant any more!  Then it happened!  With almost no warning whatsoever, she started giving birth.  In no time at all, she had a large, dark baby boy on the ground.  I thought he might be Appaloosa, but until he was dry, I really couldn’t tell.  As his father is Sirius Trouble, it didn’t take long to name him Alastor Kingsley (two of the good guys in the Harry Potter series).  Kingsley is a reverse Appaloosa like his mom.  His base color is a very dark brown.  His spots are a mixture of white and orange.  He is gorgeous!  I have never seen a llama marked like him!  To really appreciate Kingsley’s beauty, you need to come visit and see him for yourself.

November, 2018

e bought CJ from Marian Bragg several months ago.  She was pregnant by Marian’s Suri Appaloosa herdsire, Peruvian Playboy.  Due to a variety of circumstances, CJ couldn‘t be moved to our farm until she was close to delivering her baby.  We agreed to leave CJ at Marian’s farm until she gave birth.  I was thrilled when CJ had a gorgeous black and white boy who I immediately named Syncopation.  When Syncopation was two weeks old, Marian brought him and his mom to us.  Welcome home, CJ and Syncopation (Picture by Kristen)

October, 2018 

MG!  Guess what?  We just found the perfect herdsire!  His name is Thunder Thief.  He is nine years old, proven, and has extreme Suri fiber.  Some really special clients found him, took videos of him, and offered to transport him.  How could we refuse?  I was so excited when I first saw him.  I couldn’t believe our good luck!  What an impressive guy!  I proudly walked Thunder to his new paddock and introduced him to his new girls, Yin and Duchess.  Thunder is proud, self contained, extremely personable, and as happy to be here as we are to have him.  And yes, his girls are already pregnant!  (Picture by Kristen)

July, 2018

onday morning, July 2, 2018, as I was finishing chores, Mercedes went into labor.  I immediately got her into the interior stall just as she gave birth to her first cria, a smashing little boy by Killian!  I made arrangement to stay home so that I could watch Mercedes and her new son.  He came out hungry so I showed him the nipples.  He got a couple of good sucks and decided to take a break.  About an hour later, he was hungry again so I showed him the nipples.  He drained all four!  An hour later he was screaming to his mom, “I’m hungry!  Where are they?!”  She screamed right back at him, “Here!  They are right here!”  By the end of they day, he could find them himself.  Oh!  I forgot to tell you his name.  Mercedes is out of Argentina and is named for a city in Argentina.  So this little boy is also named for a city in Argentina:  San Miguel de Tucuman.  Tucuman has enough personality for five or six llamas!  He will steal your heart as he has mine!  (Picture by Amber.)

June, 2018

e were spreading manure on the pastures on Saturday, June 2, 2018; a huge job that requires two tractors, a manure spreader, a pickup, and all the friends I can muster, when Regan decided to have her baby!  Are you kidding me??  Well, I couldn’t be too upset.  This gorgeous little girll was big, strong, and full of energy.  Unfortunately, she just couldn’t get the hang of nursing.  So I gave her colostrum.  By 24 hours she had taken in 52 ounces of the stuff!  She decided she was done with me and started to nurse on mom.  Success!  Oh yes.  Her dad is Trouble.  And her name is Eileen.  She is Irish, just like her mom.
January, 2018

Serqet gave us our first baby of 2018 on Sunday, January 21, 2018.This little boy is black with white accents.  He is positively striking!  We were searching for names for this little boy and could decide between Jamieson and Torin.  So he got both names!  I figured I would eventually settle on Jamieson or Torin, but no.  I am still calling him by his full name:  Jamieson Torin.  This little boy is full of energy and loves nothing more than running full speed around his paddock!  What a delight!  Picture by Amber.

Just two days later, on Tuesday, January 23, 2018, Reina deposited her newborn baby in a hay manger!  By the time we found her, this pure whit little angel had been stuck for several hours and could not walk.  A baby who can’t stand, can’t nurse, so we gave her colostrum.  We gave her a full 64 ounces of colostrum in the first 24 hours!  By this time, she was standing by herself and decided she would rather nurse on Mom.  Her name?  Charmaine, the angel of harmony.  This is Charmaine on the left with her big brother of two days, Jamieson Torin.  Picture by Amber.

And then, the very next day (yes, that is three babies in four days!), Meili gave birth to her very first cria, another little girl!  Oh is this one ever precious!  She is tiny but oh so full of personality!  She loves to give kisses and she loves to tease her big brother Kopa.  Since Meili has an Asian name, he daughter also has to have an Asian name and id didn’t take us log to settle on Aroon.  With so many babies in the Nursery, we didn’t move her right away.  It was very cold and windy that night, so I blocked the window with an old piece of plywood.  The next time I checked on Aroon, the plywood had fallen down and kncked her flat  But you can’t keep an Asian girl down and before you know it, she was up and nursing again!!

December, 2017

Friday, December 22, 2017, Duchess gave birth to an amazingly handsome little boy by Trouble.  This was just one day after we lost our precious John Petty, the face of Elevenses for some twenty-five years.  All I could think was that there was no better representation of the Circle of Life than these two events.  And that, of course, took me to The Lion King.  Kristen soon found out that Simba’s son was Kopa.  And so our new baby became Sirius Kopa.  Kopa is strong, straight, and correct.  He has extraordinary fiber and looks just like his dad!  Picture by Kristen.

October, 2017

what I found when I got home from work on Monday, October 16, 2017?  A brand new cria!  Cassini had just given birth to her very first baby; a positively gorgeous Trouble son.  I picked him up and moved him and his mom right into the interior stall of the Nursery.  Within minutes, he was nursing.  Way to go, first time mom Cassini!  So, Cassini is a Ride Sally daughter and she is named after the Cassini space probe, which has been exploring Saturn and its moons  for the past 13 years.  On September, 15, 2017, the space probe ended its mission by crashing into Saturn’s atmosphere.  It only seemed fitting that Cassino’s new cria be named after a moon of Saturn.  We selected Calypso.  Our Calypso is strong, straight, gorgeous and the best way possible to honor the Cassini space probe!

August, 2017

Thursday, August 24, Lacey gave birth to a striking little boy by Killian.  He is a white suri with a brown bow tie.  His name is Carrick, an Irish lace.  Carrick didn’t start nursing right away, so I gave him colostrum, and got a whopping 44 ounces in him in the first 24 hours!  He started nursing on Saturday but had very low energy and a temperature of 102.4 on Sunday afternoon.  I picked him up with the plasma we always keep in the freezer and rushed him to the vet.  An hour and a half later, I was home with a very healthy and HUNGRY Carrick!  He is our miracle baby and everyone who meets him falls in love!  You will, too!

May, 2017

n Thursday, May 28, 2017, Lil gave birth to her first Trouble baby.  And you can bet it won’t be her last!  This little boy is a very loudly marked Appaloosa!  Wow!  He is tall and straight and strong and full of energy and HUNGRY!!  Oh, and did I say GORGEOUS!!!!!!  His name?  Well Trouble’s name is Sirius Trouble, so we decided to go with a Harry Potter theme.  We considered several names but one clearly rose to the top:  Cedric.  Our boy is named Cedric after Cedric Diggory who was described as good, and kind, and brave.  Meet Cedric!

April, 2017

MG!  You could have knocked me over with a feather!  Ride Sally had a baby!!!!  Ride Sally, who spent just a little time with Betelgeuse at the end when I didn’t think there was a chance of him getting anyone pregnant, and was then retired, had a baby!!  A Betelgeuse baby!  And she is Appaloosa!  Golly!  Does it get any better than that?  This little doll had a few physical challenges which did nothing but cement our love for her.  So, no, she will not be leaving Elevenses.  Oh.  Her name?  Well, as you know, Ride Sally Ride has babies with astronaut names.  So we named her Peggy Annette after Peggy Annette Whitson, an astronaut presently on the International Space Station.  Come see Peggy.  You will fall in love as we did.  But just remember, she is OURS!

We were positively delighted to see Confetti’s newest baby, born on April 22, 2017.  And guess why?  He looks EXACTLY like his mom!  That is right, this precious little boy is a red reverse Appaloosa, just like Confetti!  Oh, and his fiber!  It is to die for!  No surprise here.  His dad is Killian.  Which means of course that he has to have an Irish name.  It didn’t take long to settle on Karney O’Hara.  That’s just about as Irish as it gets!    Oh, did we tell you?  One of our clients has been waiting for an Appaloosa baby and when she saw Karney’s pictures, she said, “That’s my baby!”  So, sorry folks.  Karney is SOLD.

February, 2017

had been watching Carin Cole for a while, certain that she was very close to giving birth.  When I checked her Thursday morning, February 23, I decided that this would not be the day.  Imagine my delight when I drove  after work to find Carin Cole standing in the paddock with a look-alike cria by her side, nursing!  This little boy (the second Trouble son of the year) is strong, straight, true black, and the spitting image of his mother.  As you know, all of Carin Cole’s babies get Cole in their names.  This one is Colton.  Cherokee can hardly wait for him to come out and play!  (Photograph by Kristen)

January, 2017

It was January 7, 2017.  It was 18 degrees and it was snowing.  We already had eight inches on the ground, on the way to 11 inches.  The next two nights were going to be six degrees.  So what does Kachina decide to do?  Have a baby, of course!  I was in a panic when I discovered Cherokee.  I couldn’t move him to the Nursery in the snow by myself.  So I put a heated bucket in Trouble’s dome, spread hay all over the place, and put two jackets, plus a sweatshirt sleeve for his neck, on this precious boy.  All the hot llama bodies kept this dome warm for the next four days.  Eventually, Kachina and Cherokee moved to the Nursery, where this precious boy has thrived!  I am in love and I think Cherokee will live out his extraordinary live right here on Elevenses!

September, 2016

was finishing evening chores on Tuesday, September 27 when I was Astonished to find a little black cria with white markings on his face.  Duchess had a baby!  I knew Duchess was pregnant by Trouble but I didn’t know when she was due.  I picked up this little boy and Duchess followed us back to the Nursery.  While I was certain he had nursed, I gave him 24 ounces of colostrum just in case.  He was too precious to leave this to chance.  He was nursing aggressively the next day and I knew we were home free!  Oh.  You want to know his name?  Just as I was Astonished to see him, so is he named Astonished.  He goes by Tony.  Tony is tall, correct, friendly, full of energy, and has some of the nicest fiber we have seen on a cria.  What a special boy he is!

May, 2

May 1, 2016.  May Day.  Lacey gave birth to a smashing Killian son!  This little guy was standing and nursing in record time!He is white with a dark brown blanket and just as gorgeous a a little boy llama can be!  We give Killian kids Irish names.  Savannah, our naming guru, gave us six Irish names.  It didn’t take long to settle on Finnian, after one of Ken’s favorite movies, Finnian’s Rainbow, staring Fred Astaire and Petula Clark.  Our Finnian, just as the original Finnian, is full of joy.  It wouldn’t surprise me if he could sing and dance, too!

rgentina gave us our third Killian kid in a row on Sunday, May 8, 2016.  And as you know, Killian kids get Irish names.  We already had a list of Irish names and I chose the best one:  Cullen.  Cullen is so friendly (giving kisses to everyone he meets)), that it is easy to focus on that and completely miss how extraordinarily gorgeous he is!  Cullen is completely black with the exception of a small amount of white on his chin.  His fiber is true suri, compliments of his father.  Just try to imagine a shiny black Killian.  Go ahead.  Shut your eyes and imagine.  Beautiful, isn’t he?  Yup.  That is exactly how Cullen will look when he is all grown up.  Golly, but we love our Irish babies!

April, 2016

il surprised us on Sunday, April 17 with a gorgeous BIG Killian daughter.  When we found her, she was already standing and nursing.  Don’t you just love it when they come out robust and healthy?  We haltered Lil and brought her and her baby to the Nursery and into the interior stall.  It was no time at all before Lil was complaining that both she and her baby were healthy enough to go back out to pasture.  And you know what, she is right!  As you know, Killian kids get Irish names.  Meet Kyra, Irish for little dark one!

February, 2016

, February 28, 2016, I was picking up poops when I noticed a commotion.  I looked over and saw that Confetti had just started giving birth!  I dropped everything, ran over, and helped her deliver one of the most unusually marked crias I have ever seen!  This little girl, whose dad is Betelgeuse, is a heavily marked red Appaloosa.  After moving mom and daughter into the Nursery, I texted Jamey to see if she wanted to help name the baby.  As suggested by Jamey, and approved by her dad Pat, this little girl is named Trish, in honor of Jamey’s mom who lost her battle with breast cancer earlier this year.  Little Trish, you have some great big shoes to fill! I have faith you will do you very special name proud!

in the middle of the coldest week of the year, we were blessed with a little ray of sunshine!  Tessa gave birth to a lovely little dilute Appaloosa Trouble daughter on February 12, 2016.  This adorable little girl just totally changed everyone’s attitudes and we temporarily forgot about the extreme cold.  Once she was snug in her jacket, it was time to find a name.  She is nearly white.  Off white.  The color of fine cheese.  You know, the kind that comes with crackers.  And a knife.  Spreadable off white cheese.  Brie!  Our Brie is full of fun and energy.  She will put a smile on your face as she did ours!

December, 2015

Boy, did Yin ever have a surprise for us on Saturday, December 5, 2015!  The surprise was a beautiful little back and white baby - born three weeks early!  She may have been three weeks early by the calendar, but she showed absolutely no signs of prematurity. Once we were certain this little girl was warm and nursing, she got a name.  As you know, Yin’s babies get Asian names.  this one’s name is Meili (pronounced May Lee) which is Mandarin for beautiful.  Meili, whose father is Trouble has stolen my heart!  Come see her.  She will steal your heart, too!

October, 2015

seems like I have been waiting FOREVER!  Every day, I expect Kachina to have her baby.  But, as with all moms, she decided to do it on her own time.  So, on Saturday, October 31, Kachina gave birth to a totally AWESOME Betelgeuse daughter.  Denali (the rightful name of Mt. McKinley) is primarily white with gorgeous brown spots all over her back and hips (Betelgeuse trademark).  She has incredible ears and is about as friendly as a little baby can be!  Come visit Denali!  You won’t be disappointed!

September, 2015

my!  Carin Cole gave birth to a smashing Betelgeuse son on Monday, September 21, 2015!  He is brilliantly white with little brown spots on his back (thank you, Betelgeuse!).  He has intelligent eyes, amazing ears, and impressive conformation.  His name?  Coleman Ceres.  Carin Cole’s babies have Cole in their name (a tradition she inherited from her mom Nicole after she died).  Betelgeuse is the alpha star in the constellation Orion.  So his progeny get astronomic names.  Ceres is a dwarf planet and the largest body in the asteroid belt.  Coleman Ceres.  Wow!  What a guy!  Welcome, Coleman!

April, 2015

gave birth to a brilliantly white Killian son on April 15, 2015.  I didn’t find him until I was doing evening chores.  By then he was dry, standing, and nursing.  I just had to move Serqet and her new son into the Nursery.  No fuss, no muss.  Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together?  This little guy is strikingly beautiful, with his father’s suri fiber and his intelligent eyes.  He is strong, straight, and beautifully conformed.  His name?  Fintan.  It is an Irish name that means White Fire.  Serqet, you did it again!

Monday, April 20, 2015, Skylark gave birth to her second son, her first by Trouble.  This gorgeous boy is black with a white face and tuxedo.  He is big and strong and straight and CORRECT!  Wow!  What more could you want in a little boy!  He deserves a very special name.  We decided to name him after his mom.  You know that Skylark is the name of a classic Jazz song, don’t you?  Well, did you know that Hoagy Carmichael wrote the music for Skylark way back in 1942?  Johnny Mercer supplied the words and this song was immediately recorded by Glenn Miller, Dinah Shore and Helen Forrest with Harry James.  So our new guy’s name is Carmichael.  It fits him perfectly!  If you have an appreciation for good music, you will definitely appreciate Carmichael!

March, 2015

a variety of reasons, I was VERY late doing chores on Tuesday, March 17, 2015.  So it was 5:30 PM when I got to Betelgeuse and discovered that Lil had a baby!  Appaloosa!  Dry, standing, nursing, placenta passed.  Thank you, Lil!  You didn’t leave ANYTHING for me to do!  It wasn’t until I got Lil and the baby into the Interior Stall that I discovered the baby was a GIRL!  I wanted to honor both Betelgeuse and Megan, a very good friend who is undergoing chemotherapy.  A desperate email to Savannah resulted in the perfect name:  Rigelmeg.  She will be known as Meg.  Or more likely, Little Meg.  Little Meg is Stunning!  And fearless. and already offering kisses.  I am in love!  If you have ever needed an excuse to come visit llamas, you just got it!  Little Meg will be happy to give you a kiss!
had been watching Argentina who was expecting a cria by Trouble, but she decided she didn’t want to be predictable.  So, when we were least expecting it, she gave birth to a lovely black and white daughter.  This little girl has a white, expressive face and a full tuxedo.  She was standing within an hour and nursing within two.  This little girl is definitely an over achiever!  She needed an over achiever’s name and Tyler supplied it:  Mercedes.  Mercedes is a city in Argentina and Mercedes Sosa was one of the most popular Argentinian singers whose career spanned four decades.  Our Mercedes is confident, intelligent, affectionate, and positively gorgeous.  Need a little Latin America in your life?  We have just what you want!

February, 2015

onfetti gave birth to a big, healthy, correct female cria at 11:00 AM Friday, February 6, 2015.  This little girl’s father is Trouble and she is going to look just like him!  Trouble’s Mother is BAL Copy Cat, his grandmother is Cat’s Carress, and his great grandfather is GNLC Catman, so we decided to follow the cat theme in naming his newest daughter.  This precious little girls name is Abyssinian, as her coat is the same color as the Abyssinian cat’s coat. We are calling her Aby.  Aby is not just another pretty face.  She is intelligent, curious, observant, and she knows exactly what she wants (all personality characteristics of the Abyssinian cat!).  My kind of woman!  If you are self confident, and like that characteristic in your companions, come visit Aby.  You are certain to be impressed!

was home on Thursday, February 12, 2015, as our farrier was here trimming donkey toenails.  It became obvious that Ride Sally was going into labor.  So, as soon as our farrier left, I moved Ride Sally into the interior stall.  It wasn’t long before she gave birth to a beautiful black Trouble son.  While this precocious boy was all over the nipples, I did not actually see him nurse.  So, four hours after birth, I offered him a bottle.  He took just two ounces.  I continued to see him all over the nipples, but could not confirm actual nursing.  So, two hours later, I offered another bottle and he sucked down EIGHT ounces!  And then went under Mom and immediately started nursing!  So, now, all that was left was to find a name for this boy.  Following the astronaut theme, Ride Sally’s new son is named Wilmore, after Barry Wilmore who is the current commander of the International Space Station.  Next time the ISS flies overhead, wave to Wilmore.  He might just wave back!

January, 2015

chess gave birth to a slightly premature cria on Saturday, January 3, 2015.  She was not strong enough to nurse, so I started giving her colostrum by bottle  This tiny baby took an amazing 36 ounces colostrum in the first 24 hours!  As her father is Killian, I searched for an Irish name.  Sorcha, an Irish name meaning bright radiant light seemed perfect and so she is Sorcha.  Even after 36 ounces colostrum, Sorcha’s energy level remained low so I continued giving her colostrum rather than switching to kid milk replacer.  She took an additional 30 ounces colostrum between 9:30 AM and 10:00 PM the next day. Then, to my great joy and relief, following her 10:00 PM bottle on Sunday, January 4, Sorcha confidently walked under her mom and proceeded to nurse!  And she hasn’t looked back since!  Sorcha is confident, opinionated, and vocal!  Just my kind of woman!

hen doing afternoon chores on a frigid January 9, 2015, I discovered that Tessa had a baby!  A beautiful dilute Appaloosa with red on her face; a miniature of her dad, Killian.  I brought this beautiful baby and her mom to the Nursery, observed her nursing, and continued doing my chores.  I gave this great big girl a proper Irish name, Regan and didn’t worry about her until the next morning when I found her very cold and nearly comatose!  I put a second jacket on her and tubed her with 16 ounces of colostrum.  With no improvement, I called our vet.  I was soon rushing Regan and a unit of plasma to the veterinary clinic.  Regan received her plasma transfusion and was returned to her mom.  She immediately went under mom and started nursing!  Whew!  Have I mentioned recently that I HATE winter?  After all this drama, Regan has turned into the sweetest,friendliest little llama you will ever meet.  Need a little Irish in your life?

cey was due with her second child; her first by Killian.  We had freezing rain all day Wednesday, January 14, so I asked her to please wait until Thursday.  Well, that is exactly what she did!  On Thursday, January 15, Lacey gave birth to a lovely brown boy with a white chin.  Without hesitation, I named him Rourke, after the male lead in J.D Robb’s In Death series of books.  Rourke was cold (will this winter NEVER end?) so I gave him 8 ounces of colostrum.  Within an hour, he was nursing.  Success!  Rourke takes after his namesake:  intelligent, innovative, prideful, compassionate, and wickedly handsome!  So now we have THREE Killian kids in the Nursery, all with proper Irish names!  You should really take the time to come visit them.  You will not be disappointed!

December, 2014

rcadia went into labor Sunday morning, December 28, 2014.  I put her in the interior stall and watched her.  After an hour with no progress, I went in.  I could feel nose and toes and I knew the baby was alive since I could feel it move.  But I couldn’t pull it out.  So I called our vet who arrived just 15 minutes later.  He went in and found that the baby was upside down!  While repositioning a foot, the baby twisted around and became ride side up.  At that point, it was a simple matter to pull the baby out.  This beautiful boy has the red fiber of his father, Trouble, with the addition of a white chin.  Arcadia’s babies get Latino names and we chose Mateo for this one.  It will be so much fun to watch Mateo grow up and see just how much he resembles his father!

November, 2014

Guess what Yin (Shangrila’s Yin and Yang) did yesterday, November 4, 2014?  She gave birth to the very first Betelgeuse cria!  I got home from work late and was rushing through chores when I got to Betelgeuse, only to find a little Appaloosa cria right in the middle of the paddock.  Oh my!  Is he ever gorgeous!  Our calendar says he is three weeks early, but he says he is right on time!  I enlisted the help of some very good friends to find the perfect name.  I think we did it.  Kio is the ancient Chinese name for Spica, a giant blue binary star and the brightest in the constellation Virgo.  Betelgeuse, the brightest start in the constellation Orion, is also called Alpha Orionis, or Ori for short.  Ori means fold, as in Origami.  His name?  Kio Origami!  He can decide later if he wants to be known as Kio or Ori.  Congratulations, Betelgeuse and Yin!

February, 2014

Well, February was a very busy month for us!  Ken was in the hospital on February 7, 2014 when Serqet went into labor.  I was by myself, but was talking to Ken during the entire process.Fifteen minutes after Serqet’s water broke, I went in.  I immediately knew the baby was in the correct presentation, so just guided it through.  A couple of minutes later, Serqet had a very BIG, positively GORGEOUS baby girl!  I could hardly believe my eyes!  A Killian daughter, she appears to be a red Appaloosa with a dark chocolate head and a dark chocolate saddle on her back!.  We have a history of naming baby’s born while Ken is in the hospital after cities in Wisconsin.  So this darling’s name is Lindsey!  Lindsey has truly stolen my heart!

Just one day later (February 8, 2014), Kachina gave birth to Checkers’ penultimate progeny.  This big boy was standing in just 20 minutes and nursing in 50 minutes.  And just like Kachina’s previous two Checkers sons before him, Chakotay and Chaco, this one was white with black markings on his face.  A true Checkers son.  As with Chakotay and Chaco, we gave this boy a Native American name starting with Ch.  Please meet Chuska.  This boy will carry the Checkers genes with him.  We expect Chuska to be large and correct with an intelligent and friendly personality.  What a tribute to his special father!
But wait!  We weren’t done yet!  On February 11, 2014 Skylark gave birth to the FINAL Checkers son.  We were not expecting this one to make his appearance so early, eleven days prior to Skylark’s due date.  So, he was born out in pasture and we discovered him at 3:00 in the afternoon.  By then, he was already dry, standing, and had already nursed.  It is times like this that you have to put your guilty feelings aside and revel in a successful birth!  We immediately came up with the perfect name for this Checkers/Skylark son:  Sky King!  For those of you who are too young to remember the television series in the 50’s and 60’s, just Google Sky King and read all about the adventures of Sky King and his niece Penny.  Our Sky King favors his father with the comma on the side of his face and the black tail.  Checkers lives on!

January, 2014

Lil gave birth to a startling beautiful smokey black baby on Sunday, January 27, 2013.  This little guy was precocious!  He was trying to nurse before he could stand up!  He never made a misstep.  He knew exactly where the nipples were.  He just had to wait for his leg to catch up! This little boy’s dad is Killian, so we named him Killarney, after a town in Ireland.  Killarney has a white chin and a little white cowlick right on the top of his head!  Killarney has a heavily marked Appaloosa mom and a dilute Appaloosa dad.  Yes, we were surprised to see a black baby, but that is the part of the joy of breeding llamas!  This little guy will have some extraordinary fiber, will provide you with lifelong friendship, and may even produce Appaloosa babies for you!


e came back from doing chores at 10:00 AM Sunday morning, January 5, 2014 to find Argentina already in labor.  Within minutes, we had a beautiful, totally black little girl!  We named Argentina’s first daughter ( Esquina) after a city in Argentina, so we named her second daughter Patagonia, after the region at the southern end of South America, shared by Argentina and Chile.  Our Patagonia is small with a great big personality!  Her incredibly soft fiber cam from her father, Trouble.  We can hardly wait to see this little girl chasing her big brothers and sisters all over the pasture! 


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